Of the entire Pakistani land aera, 2.87 % were of water (Rivers/Lakes).
Coastline: 1,046-kilometers (650 mi), EEZ of +/- 235,999 km2 (240,000 sq mi).
Personnal Strenght +/- 24 000
(included 1400 marines & 2000 Maritime Security Agency)
+/- 8/10 Frigates
Up to 4 ? newer Frigates
Expected to be received by 2015+. The 3 main serious options considered by the Pakistanis were:
- Buy 2 second-hands (but very young !) Chinese Type 054 Frigates (F-525/526).
- Buy 3 or 4 Improved F-22P (Tentatively named “F-23P”, These may be an improved variant incorporating features of the Type 054A frigates...).
- Buy 3 or 4 Chinese Type 054A Frigates (dubious because these FFG was “the state of the art” of Chinese fleet and it is highly dubious than the Chinese take a risk to see some of these latest technology to fell into US hands…)
- Buy 3 or 4 second-hands Chinese Type 053 H’s FFG.
As usual, Wait & See...
4 Zulfiquar
(Zulfiquar, Shamsheer, Saif, Aslat). 2500/3100 tons, 123 meters (Chinese F22P FFG design). Commissioned by 2009/2013. With probable +/- 30 year of service expected, to be retired by 2040/2045.
1 Alamgir
(Alamgir). 4100 tons, 138 meters (Ex 1980’s US O.H Perry FFG). Transferred by 2010, to remain in Pakistani service for at least 10/15 mores year, until mid 2020’s. Maybe few others O.H Perry expected during 2010’s to be transferred from the US Navy ?
6 Tariq
(Tariq, Babur, Khaibar, Badr, Shah Jahan, Tippu Sultan). 3200/3700 tons, 117 meters (ex British type 21). Transferred by 1993/1994, now ageing ships, likely to be progressively retired through 2010’s.
+/- 5 Submarines
From 3 to Up to 6 newer SSK’s ?
Since mid 2000's, the Pakistan Navy plans to buy 3 to 6 new submarines to replace the ageing Agosta 70’s SSK. After considering many SSK designs (Hispano/French Scorpene, French Marlin SSK’s, German Type 214…). Currently rumors talk about the possible purchase of up to 6 Chinese SSK’s
- Maybe up to 6 newer 3000+ tons “Qing” submarines (unlikely, because this Chinese SSK was "too newer").
- Maybe up to 6 newer Type 041 Yan SSK's. (Dubious, but not impossible).
- Maybe the sale of a handful of “second-hands” but still capable Chinese SSK’s (Type 039 Song's).
As usual, wait & see…
3 Agosta 90B
(Khalid, Saad, Hamza). 1250/1750 tons, 67+ meters (French Agosta 90 SSK design). Commissioned by 1999/2008.
2 Agosta 70
(Hasmat, Hurmat). 1200/1700 tons, 67+ meters (French Agosta 70 SSK design). Commissioned by 1979/1980.
3 Midget Submarine
3 MG-110
110+ tons, 27+ meters (Italian design). Commissioned by 1988+
+/- 6 Fast Attack Missiles Crafts
Up to 2 newer 500 FAC
500 tons, ordered from China by late 2010, likely to be completed by 2011/2012…
2 Jalalat II
(Jalalat, Shujaat). Commissioned by 1997/1999
1 Larkana
(Larkana). first ever indigenously designed and developed fast patrol craft by Pakistan Naval Dockyard. Commissioned by 1994.
1 Rajshahi
(Rajshahi). 115/140 tons, 36+ meters (1960’s British built). Commissioned by 1966, now fully obsolete ship, to be replaced by a newer Chinese built craft by early 2010’s.
Status of 2 others FAC unclear ? (Jurat or Jurrat ?, Quwwat or Guwwat ?)
- Maybe Jurat/Jurrat was a former chinese "Hegu" or "Hoku" ? (a Chinese version of the Russian "Komar") FAC ?, transferred by 1981.
- Maybe Quwwat/Guwwat was a former Chinese "Huangfen" FAC (a Chinese version of the Russian "Osa I"),? Transferred by 1984 ?
3 Mine-Hunters
3 Eridan
(Mujahid, Munsif, Muhafiz). 530/600 tons, 51+ meters (European Tripartite MCM design). Commissioned by 1992/1998, with probable +/- 30 year of life expected, to be retired around +/- 2022/2028.
Mid-Shore & In-Shore Patrol Boats
2 MRTP 33
(Zarrar, Karrar). Up to 6 others crafts were planned ?
2 MRTP 15
(01-02). Turkish built IPV.
12 Gulf patrol Crafts.
Uncertain data ?
5 patrol Crafts
(US Built). Delivered by 2010, uncertain data ?
Small Amphibious Crafts
12 Overcrafts
(12 Griffon).
+/- 8 Auxiliary Ships
1 Fuqing (Fleet Tanker)
(Nasr). (Chinese AO design). Commissioned by 1987.
1 Poolster (Fleet Tanker)
(Moawin). (ex 1960’s Dutch AO). Transferred by 1994.
2 Coastal Tanker
(Kalmat, Gwadar). 1400 tons, 62+ meters. Commissioned by 1984/1992.
1 Behr Paima (hydrographic survey vessel)
(Behr E Paima). Japanese built. Commissioned by 1982.
1 Behr Khusha (Dredging vessel)
(Behr Khusha). 2000’s Chinese built. Transferred by 2008.
1 Attock (Small Tanker).
600/1200 tons, 54 meters, built by 1957.
2 others Auxiliary crafts
250 tons, 38 meters, built by 2003/2004.
6 Harbor Tugs
2 Rustom (harbor tugs)
(Rustom, Joshila). 200+ tons, 25 meters, built by 2001.
2 Bholu (habor tugs)
(Bholu, Gama). 265 tons, 26 meters, built by 1991.
2 Janbaz (habor tugs)
(Janbaz, Delair). 280+ tons, 35 meters. Commissioned by 1990/2000.
6 Mid Shore Patrol Vesselss
4 Barkat
(Barkat, Nusrat, Rehmat, Vehdat). 400 tons, 58 meters (Chinese Hainan PB design). Commissioned by 1990.
2 Shanghai II
(Sabqat, Rafaqat). 120+ tons, 38+ meters (Chinese Shangai II PB design). Transferred by 1972/1973, now fully obsolete crafts.
5 In Shore Patrol Vessels
1 Saif
(Saif). 32 tons, 20 meters (South Korean Swallow craft design). Built by 1986.
4 Saas
(Saad, Shabaz, Waqir, Burq). 22+ tons, 16+ meters (Italian MV 55 PB design). Built by 1987.
18 In Shore Patrol Vessels
18 MV 55
(P 551-568). 22+ tons, 16+ meters (Italian MV 55 PB design).
- +/- 7 P-3C Orion (Maritime Patrol)
- 7 Fokker F27-200 Friendship
- 4 Hawker 850 (transport)
- 2 Breguet Atlantique I (maybe a third unserviceable ?)
- +/- 13 Mirage IIIEP and 10 Mirage V PA3 with AM-39 anti-ship missiles capable
- 3 Lynx Mk3 (maybe 3 others unserviceable)
- 6 Sea-King Mk 45 (ASW)
- 6 to 8 SA-319 Alouette III (2 SA-319B & 4 SA-316…)
- 12 Z-9EC (ASW)
Pakistan Navy is trying to gradually upgrade its fleet. Its strategy of acquisition (Europeans, Americans, Chinese ships ...) shows that Pakistan does not want to "put all their eggs in one basket".... Despite this progressive modernization, the pakistani fleet can compete with the incredible growth in its main "state enemy"...the Indian Navy. The recent Taliban attack on one of its major naval bases demonstrates once again that interior terrorism/tribalism remain a major threat (very likely the greatest...) of Pakistan.
Next fleet review/editorial: Two Fleet Review !!! "Future of the Norwegian Navy" & "Future of the Finnish Navy".
As usual, It may be that in my opinion, I forgot programs ? (or made few mistakes ?, especially for the auxiliary and smaller ships), then SAID IT ! Feel free to comment and give your opinion !
Nazim was disarmed and towed off for scrap back in November 2010.
ReplyDeleteThanks guys for this detail ;)